You can see the order of the characters of the selected server.
The ranking is updated periodically.


Top Player

# Character Guild Level ItemPoints
1 SENCER Reign0fFire 100 2075
2 AZTEKA BlackCompany 100 2043
3 HurremSultan BlackCompany 100 2013
4 Herakless Reign0fFire 100 2005
5 _B00KlE_ DarkAlliance 100 1989
6 No 100 1981
7 _AZERON_ 100 1981
8 IBabaYagaI BlackCompany 100 1978
9 WiIIowBells DarkAlliance 100 1954
10 Death_Spear BlackCompany 100 1949
11 __KING__ 100 1940
12 4U 100 1939
13 Unique Epic 100 1923
14 Hancok 100 1923
15 ChesterField 100 1923
16 Yes 100 1914
17 R2 100 1910
18 KaTiLSPerM BlackCompany 100 1862
19 EXIT Reign0fFire 100 1845
20 GeZeGeN DarkAlliance 100 1839
21 ZEUSxTR 100 1829
22 Viper_Black 100 1827
23 YuksekDoz DarkAlliance 100 1826
24 MissetateR DarkAlliance 100 1826
25 LaRGe 100 1824